
Treatment of Stress/Anxiety With Acupuncture:
A fascinating study published in Anesthesiology (June 2003) showed a 66% decrease in stress for the acupuncture group of patients being transported to the hospital by ambulance.  By contrast, the control group had a 10% increase in stress.  The effectiveness of acupuncture on stress and anxiety is remarkable.

What to Expect:

You have spent years creating your body’s response to stress.  For some, that stress resides in their neck and shoulders, for others, in their stomach or other areas.  The body’s response to this stress is called disease and where that disease takes hold differs for each individual. 

The treatment program for stress is personalized based on symptoms and length of time you have had them.  Usually, 1-2 treatments per week for 4 weeks are prescribed, along with an herbal formula and lifestyles changes.  This is followed by 1 treatment per week for 4-8 weeks depending on the individual, at which time we reassess and more forward.


Video: ABC News "Penelope Cruz Acupuncture Beads".

Video: Dr. Oz "Relieve Stress With Acupuncture".

Time: “Needle This: Study Hints at How Acupuncture Works to Relieve Stress”:

Anesthesiology: “Auricular Acupressure as a Treatment for Anxiety in Pre-hospital Transport Settings”:

NPR: "Skimping on Sleep Can Stress Body and Brain"

Robert Youngs