High Stress and emotions can lead to irritability, anger, hormone imbalance, frequent sighing, poor digestion, bloating, upset stomach, sugar cravings, frequent naps, listlessness & clog skin pores. Smooths liver qi (energy) stagnation, tonifies spleen qi (energy), tonify liver blood.*
All natural herbal: In TCM, Liver energy can stagnate causing fatigue, irritability and burnout. These herbs harmonize liver energy, soothe emotional rise and nourish body mind. Our premium Adrenal-X supplement is designed to work with your body size and balance.
Remember you might want to buy 2-3 bottles - You’ll be taking what to western minds is a “large dose” -4-8 capsules 3x a day depending on your weight and sensitivity, but it’s not, it’s just gentle, natural herbs in a capsule form so it’s an appropriate effective dose without side effects.
“These herbs worked quickly and keep getting better. I'd say after 3 days I started to feel a change in the amount of irritability I had been feeling build for weeks. I'm less quick to get angry and feeling more grounded and more in flow.” — AB/Los Angelos, CA
Take 4-8 caps 3 times a day.
Zhi Gan Cao Licorice Root, Chai Hu Bupleurum Root, Dang Gui Chinese Angelica Root , Bai Shao White Peony Root, Bai Zhu Atractylodis Rhizome, Fu Ling Poria, Bo He Mentha Wei Sheng Jiang Ginger Rhizom, Shan Zhi Zi Cape Jasmine Fruit , Mu Dan Pi Peony Root Bark s